recently read: the selfishness of others
09: an essay on the fear of narcissism by kristin dombek
Knowing what book someone is reading and what parts they resonate with most can be so intimate. It reveals their interests, where their head is at, and what excerpts are so significant that they will mark up a page because they think it’s worth revisiting at a later time. I’m fascinated by what books others gravitate towards and I find that it helps me get to know them better and gives me a small glimpse into who they are at their core. No one asked for these book reviews, but maybe it’s my way of showing who I am and what I’m interested in – beyond the clothes, the products, and my career. Or at the very least, encourage some to look up from their phones and instead towards the pages of a good book.
Book no. 27 of 2022
The Selfishness of Others: An Essay on the Fear of Narcissism by Kristin Dombek
I love the concept of this book — this idea that the word narcissist has lost its meaning because of how overly used it is. It was hard for me to get into, but I do like that it made me think about the ways we label those who have wronged us, or are different than us, as evil while we think of ourselves as good, as empathetic. It’s that quick labeling without trying to understand the other that shows the moments we are actually lacking empathy. I don’t know that I’d recommend and would suggest trying to find a good article on this subject instead.
Favorite quotes:
“If everyone acted in this way, would the world be a better place?”
“…A chance to watch what others do under observation, how narcissistic they look under the pressure to compete, assert, value themselves, in situations only a little more surveyed and surreal than our own.”
“But the moment you begin to find that the other lacks empathy — when you find him inhuman — is a moment when you can’t feel empathy either.”
“…Protecting our image as a moral person can keep us from being exactly who we want to be — good at understanding the world and others, at preventing atrocities, at helping people to heal and change.”
Book no. 28 of 2022
The Stars and the Blackness Between Them by Junauda Petrus
A beautiful and needed story, but one that was hard for me to get into and connect with because of how spiritual it was and because the language appeals more to a young adult audience.
Favorite quotes:
“And nothing in life prepares you to live, truly live… you alive until you ain’t, so live in any way you can.”
“Her eyes were laughing and unashamed, like they had only known yes her whole life.”
“You got to be yourself or else you end up someone else you probably don’t like.”
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